An online archive of over 4000 works of art by the artist Gaspare is being planned. This research tool will take some time to be developed. Completion is expected later this year.
This new important resource will assist collectors and institutions organising exhibitions, as well as those studying the philosophy and work of Gaspare.
Over the past 25 years, Gaspare has focused his energy on examining the thin boundary that separates figurative from abstract interpretations of life and our surroundings. His works have examined a vast subject matter, stretching from the religious to the erotic, but often focusing on three key areas, namely
1/ portraits 2/ urban landscapes and related themes 3/ nature.
Some examples of his works in Private and corporate collections around the world are shown below. click on images to enlarge
1/ Portraits
2/ Urban landscapes and related themes
3/ Nature
4/ Works On Paper
5/ sculptures